Alexandre Joly
Alexandre Joly (1977) lives and works in Geneva. His work combines sculpture and sound installations, and the artist often creates site-specific works that significantly explore the aesthetic, ethical, spiritual, magical, and ritualistic relationship between humans and nature. Through his instruction, Alexandre Joly invites us to listen fully, in the manner of a sound meditation that gradually leads to a form of peace, and for which the artist serves as a guide by indicating the various steps to follow.
Fun Fact
Some animals, notably amphibians and certain insects, gather in choruses (lek) during the breeding season, where the males sing alternately with their congeners so as not to “cut them off”, as in the case of the green tree frog and field cricket. The aim of singing males is to be located and then to attract females; it is therefore important for them to emit a clear, comprehensible signal so that females can find them in the midst of several dozen, even hundreds of individuals. What might be interpreted as courtesy is in fact a means of making themselves better understood.
Call to Action
In many cities, 30 km/h speed limits have become commonplace. This not only improves road safety, but also reduces noise pollution. Compared with roads limited to 60 km/h, the noise reduction is significant, dropping from 75 to 65 dB on average, providing a quieter, more pleasant urban environment for residents.
During aggressive acceleration, how many decibels does a 750cm3 motorcycle emit? Which noise in nature would this correspond to?
A) A large herd of moving animals, such as a wildebeest or bison migration
B) A thunderstorm
C) The sound of a small waterfall