Adrien Missika
Adrien Missika (1981) lives and works in Berlin. Through a variety of media, from video to photography, sculpture to installation and action, his work humorously draws on the broad spectrum of natural and environmental sciences. By proposing to give a name to the plants we come into contact with on a daily basis, Adrien Missika creates the possibility of building a more personal bond with nature - which is no longer an anonmyous entity but a close being.
Fun Fact
To date, over 300,000 plant species have been recorded worldwide. Yet we are far from knowing them all: every year, an average of 2,500 new species are discovered by specialists. The inspiration for naming these new species is varied: shape (Plantago lanceolata = Spear-shaped Plantain), color (Hawthorn = alba/white + thorn), size (Greater Hogweed), patterns (Arum maculatum = Spotted Arum), virtues (Salvia officinalis = Common Sage), environment (Trifolium pratense = Red Clover), legends (Bear's garlic, supposedly eaten by bears at the end of their hibernation), mythology (Artemisia = Mugwort, named after the goddess Artemis), famous botanists (Buddleja = Buddleia, named after the botanist Adam Buddle).
Call to Action
Did you know that giving names to trees or other plants in your environment can actually increase your appreciation and connection with them? One study has shown that people who name the plants in their garden or neighborhood tend to observe them more closely and become more involved in their care and protection. By naming a tree, you give it an identity, strengthening your personal connection with it and, by extension, with nature in general. It can even encourage more responsible ecological behavior, such as planting trees or taking part in conservation initiatives. In short, naming a tree can transform your perception of the environment and strengthen your bond with the biodiversity that surrounds you.
Which of these plants does not share its name with a colour?
A) Peach, like skin tone
B) Lila
C) Persimmon, the military's favourite plant
D) Daisy